Tuesday, May 7, 2013

To toss or not to toss: clothes are the question.

Date: May 7, 2013 Time: 12:06 pm
Current state: Optimistic

Location: The Office
Weather: Blue skies in one window and grey skies in another

Today's menu :
Kashi GoLean Crunch (seriously, I only eat it because it's high in fiber, but it's like granola that's been shellacked)
Honey Greek Yoghurt
Coffee w/milk
Frozen lunch (chicken tamale w/rice)
Bowl of carrots
Banana Chips
Chicken stir fry
Lo fat/cal ice cream

Having just recently moved, I am gob-smacked by the amount of stuff I have. I have always considered myself a minimalist, but every box I open is like opening an inconvenient gift that I need to find room for. My biggest inconvenience? My clothes. I'm not really a clothes horse, but I do have a hard time parting older clothes. I am especially struggling with parting with items that no longer fit me, due to my weight gain.

I have read conflicting articles on the subject of keeping and not keeping clothes that no longer fit. Articles that are for keeping say they are a great motivator to help achieve weight-loss goals. The opposing articles say that they have negative connotations and could demotivate and distract; in addition, it could ultimately lead to disappointment because you may never be that size again.

I realize I need to part with a lot of old things, especially my powder blue suit because...well...powder blue suit; but that being said, I have some amazing old jeans, dresses and other things that I would love to keep so I could wear them again. My concern: should I?

What do you do if you outgrow your clothes? Keep or toss? Hit me in the comments!

Summer out.


Kathryn said...

My opinion: Toss anything old and worn. Keep things you plan to fit into again but keep them put away until you need them...
Curry with green beans and rice
Some thing else...

Nadia said...

Hmmm... I have clothes in all sizes, from 6 to sky is the limit. I toss only something that is VERY out of fashion or VERY worn. I keep my favourite items - always, no matter what's the size. Life shows, these items come very handy when you're switching sizes, you don't need to go and like buy the whole new wardrobe. I just keep stuff in boxes in the basement.